Project 4: Grid


Thumbnail sketches



 Working on a system and without breaking any parameters, I tried to bring out a focal point  for each sketch, even though not each one of them has it beucase these are only my firsts ideas. In addition I’ve been working around with alignment with the line bar and without it.  




Second Thumbnail Sketches
Made from a printed rectangle shaped thumbnails, It turn out only on 3 specific first drafts, the ones that our proffesor pointed at only. In other words I only enhace those ideas and draw it into the thumbnails. In oder to design the second set of drafts, I had to add the parameters required for the second draft: type: Franklin Book and/or Franklin Gothic Medium, type size: 8 pt, 16 pt, and any larger size, color: black + 1 PMS color on white paper.



Each draft represent a different decision, adding one by one made me earn more knowledge on the use of all parameter. I worked most on making the general purpose of grid, which is hierarchy, added some green color, and tried to make a continuation path (lines) that makes our eyes follow the text itself. Finally I also used all the family of typefaces as well as closure. 


 My last two Drafts, in color and in white and black.



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